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News Article

Top and Tent Newsletter Competition Announced 
Posted 7/11/2004 2:03:54 PM  by Ed Limbach
News from Ed Limbach viewed 733 times

Sunday, July 11, 2004 - Aurora, Ohio
Circus Fans Association of America Public Relations Committee Announces Top and Tent Newsletter Competition




In response to suggestions made by members of the CFA, the Public Relations Committee voted to offer Tops and Tents the opportunity to participate in a Top and Tent newsletter contest. If successful, the contest will be held annually and the winners will be announced at the convention. The PR Committee will also display newsletters at the convention as a way to exchange ideas for developing newsletters. Newsletters are a great way to communicate to Top and Tent members. The contest particulars follow:

The Stupendous, Incredible, and Amazing CFA

Tent and Top Newsletter Contest!!

for the Big Contest! Don’t You Dare Miss It!


The Public Relations Committee of the CFA invites submissions of local Top and Tent newsletters in an Amazing and Thrilling Contest That will Delight, Entertain, and Instruct Circus Fans from around the USA!

There are 3-Count’em, THREE-Rules to Consider:

  1. All newsletters must be received for consideration by May 1, 2005 and mailed to: Edward W. Limbach, 332 Inwood Trail, Aurora, Ohio 44202.

2. Tops and Tents may submit as many examples of their newsletters as they wish;

and Applicability to the mission, programs, and public relations

needs of the Circus Fans Association of America.

be submitted with four copies.

  1. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Most Newsworthy; Most Most Outstanding All-Around

    Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please direct your attention to the following three points:

Ingenious Layout and Design; Most Stupendous Content; and, Last but not

Least… Can you stand it…here it comes…


  1. All submissions must be clearly labeled with Tent/Top Name, editor’s contact name, address, and phone and/or email.

  2. All submissions will become the property of the Public Relations Committee, and its extensive, educational, and world-renowned archives of Circusiana.

  3. The decisions of the judges are final, conclusive, and definitive, in keeping with the best traditions of Circus arts and letters developed, believe it or not, over the last 200 Years of Circus in America!!And now, hurry just a little, and submit your newsletters without delay, hesitation, or

Procrastination. Now is the time to go if you’re going…step right up for the Great

The contest rules were developed by PR Committee member, Dr. Mort Gamble. Questions can be directed to Edward Limbach at 330-995-3378 or

CFA Tent and Top Newsletter Contest!!

however, all submissions will be judged by the same criteria: Originality, Creativity, Newsletters for competition should

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